Library Learning Commons
HCCMS Library Learning Commons Policies & Procedures |
Our Vision
The Library Learning Commons supports and enhances student learning, reading, writing and use of technology. Through collaborative partnerships, we provide expertise, services and resources to support HCCMS and Harris County School District’s goal for innovative teaching and learner success.
The Media Center will be open daily for student use between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Books are checked out for a two-week period. Books may be renewed once if another student has not previously requested the title.
Chromebooks are checked out for in-media center use only. Loaner chromebooks may not be taken out of the media center.
When a book is checked out, a date due card is placed in the book and the student is made aware of the date due. Every time a student checks out he or she is made aware of the status of their account. The charge for overdue books is five cents per day per book. Students should return books and pay their fines promptly. Students will not be allowed to check out media center materials with a fine of .50 cents or higher. Students may not be allowed to participate in extra activities, such as dodge ball tournament, or field trips with outstanding fines.
Lost and Damaged Books:
Students are responsible for the replacement of lost or damaged books. Students may pay the replacement cost of the book or find another copy and bring it in to replace the lost or damaged book.