Schedule and Attendance
HCCMS Attendance Policy
Children may be temporarily excused from school:
When personally ill and when attendance in school would endanger their health or the health of others.
Doctor’s appointment or restriction from school as documented by the physician. Official doctor’s note is required.
When in their immediate family there is a serious illness or death which would reasonably necessitate absence from school. (father, mother, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, children)
On special and recognized religious holidays observed by their faith.
When mandated by order of governmental agencies (example: pre-induction physical examination for service in armed forces, court order, or documented appointment).
When prevented from such attendance due to conditions rendering attending school impossible or hazardous to their health or safety.
Students in foster care shall be counted present when they attend court proceedings relating to their foster care.
When they are at least 13 years of age and are serving as Pages of the Georgia General Assembly. They shall be credited as present by the school in which they are enrolled for days missed from school for that purpose.
In order to vote or register to vote, not to exceed one day.
In order to visit with his/her parent prior to the parent's military deployment overseas or during a parent's leave from overseas military deployment. This excused absence is limited to up to five (5) days per school year.
A student whose parent or legal guardian is in military service in the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard, and such parent or legal guardian has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat support posting, shall be granted excused absences, up to a maximum of five school days per school year to visit with his/her parent or legal guardian prior to such parent’s or legal guardian’s deployment or during such parent’s or legal guardian’s leave. ~O.C.G.A. 20-2-692.1
High school juniors and seniors will be allowed two (2) excused days during the course of a school year to visit colleges.
See Harris County School District Attendance Protocol for more information.
*Harris County Schools will accept no more than five (5) parent-written excuses per student per year. After the fifth (5th) parent-written excuse, schools will require an Authorized Excused Note (AEN), such as a doctor’s note, as detailed in the listing of temporary excused absences above, for the remainder of the school year.
* Students/Parents should upload a valid excuse with the reason for absence via the online link on the HCCMS website homepage. Notes must be uploaded no later than 11:59 p.m on the 3rd school day after the student returns to school. Notes received after 3 days will remain unexcused.
DAILY BELL SCHEDULE: The faculty/staff and students of HCCMS will follow the bell schedule as listed below:
7th Grade Regular Class Schedule | 7th Grade Activity/Club Day Class Schedule | |||||||||
Period | Times | Duration | Activity | Period | Times | Duration | Activity | |||
HR | 7:30-8:00 | 30 min | Breakfast/Locker | HR | 7:30-8:00 | 30 min | Breakfast/Locker | |||
ELT | 8:00-8:40 | 40 min | ELT | ELT | 8:00-8:15 | 15 min | ELT | |||
2nd | 8:40-9:30 | 50 min | Connections | 2nd | 8:15-9:00 | 45 min | Connections | |||
3rd | 9:30-10:20 | 50 min | Connections | 3rd | 9:00-9:45 | 45 min | Connections | |||
4th | 10:20-11:20 | 60 min | Academic | 4th | 9:45-10:35 | 50 min | Academic | |||
5th | 11:20-12:55 | 95 min | Academic/Lunch | 6th | 10:35-11:25 | 50 min | Academic | |||
Lunch | 11:45-12:15 | 30 min | Social Studies | 5th | 11:25-1:00 | 95 min | Academic/Lunch | |||
Lunch | 11:50-12:20 | 30 min | Science | Lunch | 11:50-12:20 | 30 min | Social Studies | |||
Lunch | 12:15-12:45 | 30 min | ELA | Lunch | 11:55-12:25 | 30 min | Science | |||
Lunch | 12:20-12:50 | 30 min | Math | Lunch | 12:20-12:50 | 30 min | ELA | |||
6th | 12:55-1:55 | 60 min | Academic | Lunch | 12:25-12:55 | 30 min | Math | |||
7th | 1:55-2:55 | 60 min | Academic | 7th | 1:00-1:50 | 50 min | Academic | |||
Activity | 1:50-2:55 | 65 min | Activity/Club | |||||||
8th Grade Regular Class Schedule | 8th Grade Activity/Club Day Class Schedule | |||||||||
Period | Times | Duration | Activity | Period | Times | Duration | Activity | |||
HR | 7:30-8:00 | 30 min | Breakfast/Locker | HR | 7:30-8:00 | 30 min | Breakfast/Locker | |||
ELT | 8:00-8:40 | 40 min | ELT | ELT | 8:00-8:15 | 10 min | ELT | |||
2nd | 8:40-9:40 | 60 min | Academic | 2nd | 8:15-9:05 | 50 min | Academic | |||
3rd | 9:40-10:40 | 60 min | Academic | 3rd | 9:05-9:55 | 50 min | Academic | |||
4th | 10:40-12:15 | 95 min | Academic/Lunch | 5th | 9:55-10:45 | 50 min | Academic | |||
Lunch | 10:45-11:15 | 30 min | Social Studies | 4th | 10:45-12:20 | 95 min | Academic/Lunch | |||
Lunch | 10:50-11:20 | 30 min | Science | Lunch | 10:50-11:20 | 30 min | Social Studies | |||
Lunch | 11:15-11:45 | 30 min | ELA | Lunch | 10:55-11:25 | 30 min | Science | |||
Lunch | 11:20-11:50 | 30 min | Math | Lunch | 11:20-11:50 | 30 min | ELA | |||
5th | 12:15-1:15 | 60 min | Academic | Lunch | 11:25-11:55 | 30 min | Math | |||
6th | 1:15-2:05 | 50 min | Connections | 6th | 12:20-1:05 | 45 min | Connections | |||
7th | 2:05-2:55 | 50 min | Connections | 7th | 1:05-1:50 | 45 min | Connections | |||
Activity | 1:50-2:55 | 65 min | Activity/Club | |||||||