Student Registration
Parents will need to provide the following information at time of enrollment:
- Social Security Card or sign a waiver
- Report Card from previous school year
- * Transcript (grades 10 - 12)
- Proof of residency (Policy DFH)
- ◦ Utility bill not more than 60 days old and has the service address on the bill (no cell phone bills)
- Proof of purchase of Harris County automobile tags
- Proof of voter registration in Harris County
- Occupancy permit if moving into a newly constructed home (parents provide a check and send to the finance office to hold for 30 days; at that time, parents provide proof of moving in home or the check will be cashed)
- If parents are living with another family, the parents and the owner of the home provide a notarized form (form is provided by the school) that the parents and the student are living with the homeowner. Bring the notarized form along with a utility bill with the homeowners name on it to the school.
- * Birth Certificate
- Pre-K (birth certificate, passport, or official medical documentation for proof that student is four years of age by September 1 of year of enrollment)
- ** Immunization on GA Form (can obtain from Health Department or Physician)
- ** Eye, Ear and Dental Form (can obtain from Health Department or Physician)
Out-of County : Contact the Budget and Finance Department for current tuition. Must complete an out-of-county application and attach a check made payable to the Harris County Board of Education.
* Parents have up to 30days to provide; schools may send a request to the student's previous
school to obtain this information as well.
** 30 day waiver period for immunization certificate or affidavit; upon expiration of the waiver, the student will not be permitted to attend school until a certificate of immunization or affidavit is submitted (Policy: JBC). A 90 day waiver is extended to students who enroll as homeless (as defined by the McKinney-Vento Act). Schools should contact the System Social Worker to provide assistance to parents if needed.
Immunization certificates that have expired must be replaced no later than 30 days or the student will not be allowed to attend school.