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News You Need to Know

Sport Physicals and Medical Release Forms- A current physical, medical release, concussion, and cardiac arrest form MUST be on file in the 8th grade office before your student/s can tryout or participate in any HCCMS or HCHS sport. For more information or questions please contact the 7th grade office at 706-628-4951 ext. 1715.



Concussion Awareness Form

Student Cardiac Awareness Form

GHSA Physical Form (English)

GHSA Physical Form (Spanish)

Medical Release Form

Sports Signups






Click on a name to send an email.

Athletic Directors:
Shelly Driskell-Ragan -AD



Coach Tamara Johnson (Girls)

Coach Brandon Fletcher (Boys)

Basketball Cheerleading:

Coach TerriLee Beamon

Football Cheerleading:

Coach Colanda McDaniel 


Coach Don Bice


 Coach Ricky Lewis (Boys)

Coach Maddie Fuerte (Girls)

Coach Sandy Pirkle

Track & Field:
Coach Brandon Fletcher (Girls)

Coach Darius Moore (Boys)

Coach Tamara Johnson


Coach Rebecca Van Pelt


Coach Don Bice


Coach Alex Moore

Cross Country:

Coach Darius Moore


Coach Boyer

Girls Flag Football: 

Coach Tammy Chapman

Sports for 8th graders at HCHS

Softball: Coach Brandon Jenkins

Baseball: Coach Tony Dimitri

Shotgun: Coach Everson

Wrestling: Coach Moore

Swimming: Coach Mindy Johnson

Athletic Fees

Harris County Carver Middle School
Athletic Department

 HCCMS Athletic Fees

All athletes that make a HCCMS Athletic Team will be required to pay an athletic fee of $75.00 per sport. This fee covers payment for team t-shirt ($10), yard sign, banquet, awards, equipment maintenance, game day officials and security, etc.

If a student/athlete is unable to pay the fee, an alternate plan will be utilized. Please speak with Athletic Director to work out a plan.


Requirements for Participation

      A.  Physical Examination A yearly physical examination is required for participation in any interscholastic athletics, including try-outs. This examination must be completed by a medical doctor on the form provided by Harris County Carver Middle School and submitted to the coach prior to participation. Physical forms will be kept on file in the athletic director’s office.  

B. Medical Consent Form  (Medical Release Form) Each athlete’s parent/guardian shall complete an Emergency Medical Authorization Form giving permission for treatment by a physician or hospital in the case of an emergency and when the parent/guardian is unavailable.

  C.  Insurance The parent or guardian of each athlete must provide proof of medical insurance for each athlete before they may participate.

  D.  Athletic Eligibility Students must pass 70% of the subjects during the previous semester.